Thursday, March 13, 2014

Neighbors to the North 2.3

Day Three of our adventure was great.  Beyond what activities filled our day, what described it the best is lots of laughter.  That generally describes any day spent with my mom and sisters...always lots of laughter and chatter!

Today we planned to drive south of the boarder to the historic town of Fairhaven (part of Bellingham, WA) and enjoy the picturesque stops along the way.  Before leaving, I obviously had to squish in a little snuggle time with dear little Miss K. Because really, who could resist her? Even when she squirms away from Aunt Lissy kisses...

And some snuggles with Mr. T too, of course!
Then he found my camera on my phone and decided to keep himself entertained with selfies...I now have the pleasure of having quite the selection of snaps of my sister's ceiling.

Stopping in the Dutch community of Lynden, WA just across the boarder, we grabbed some lunch at none other than Dutch Mothers.  We indulged in some really tasty eats like split pea soup and Italian meatball soup...and taking some of their famous pie home to share with the others we left at home!
Being the cute Dutch restaurant it was, it wasn't complete without little "wooden" slippers...
We practically forgot we were in North America!

Then finally arriving in the beautiful town of Fairhaven, my sister was thrilled to take my mother and I to a toy shop that also sells art supplies.  She has loved getting into needle felting and wanted to show us the wide variety of vibrant-hued wool all ready for your next project.
Being that my middle sister works for a toy manufacturing company, we thought it only appropriate to send her pictures of us looking at all these other toy brands...and this is my sissy with her best ostrich face.  What a beaut!

After realizing we were spending all too long in a TOY shop, we made a run for the coast to catch the last rays of the sunset.

Finally making it to the dock, my sister and I wanted to get some snaps standing on the dock that floats right on the Pacific Ocean...meanwhile, mom was having a major freak out that we would fall over.  A mom's job of worrying is never over!

My sister promised we wouldn't step onto the dock and just stand at the bottom of the connecting bridge, but in typical youngest-child fashion, I pushed my mama to the last of her nerves by requesting one more picture ON the dock...I wanted to point to how high the barnacles were on the large posts holding the dock from floating away to show how high the water level has been at different times of the year.  While a rather windy night, the ship just off in the distance shouted to me that I was going to catch frostbite...little did he know that back home in MN it was -20 degrees and this Midwest girl could handle anything!
As we continued touring this adorable town, we wandered into Drizzle--a balsamic and olive oil tasting bar. Be still my beating heart! After trying just about EVERY variety of beautifully infused balsamic, we each walked out with our bottles of flavored vinegar, eager to pour it on everything.


While our tummy's had filled with the tasty delights of balsamic vinegar heaven, we began craving some heartier food.  Wandering around, we found a lot of cute places but ended up at a lovely Mexican restaurant that is more than good enough to write home about! My sissy is planning on taking her hubs there for his birthday--wishing I could tag along too! :)

WHAT a great day it was!!
Cheers, A