Friday, March 14, 2014

Neighbors to the North 2.4

After every fun-filled-to-the-brim day, we have to then have a day of relaxing around the house. Having so much fun is clearly exhausting work! Day Four was all about the "Birthday Dinner" we planned for my was her 28th at the end of January and we were happy to be able to celebrate with her! On the menu was a sweet and savory combination of a twist on Chicken and Waffles.

Mr. T helped Nana make dinner while Miss K helped Papa squeeze in a little work on the computer...then it was all about trying on Auntie Lissy's big, silly shoes.  This little goon can make anything funny.
My sister at home sent an adorable Kate iPad case to my sister for her Mr. T loves to play with his mama's iPad, I took the foam insert from the case and drew a fake screen on it so he could enjoy the "iPad" without messing with the adult electronics...
*These drawings proudly brought to you by Tim Horton's and TimBits.
So, instead of fried chicken and waffles, we served soft, crockpot Cranberry Chicken and Pancakes with homemade maple syrup whipped cream, fresh fruit, and blueberry balsamic vinegar...say what you may but don't knock it till you try it! It was delicious and the perfect balance of breakfast-for-dinner.

After that, it was just all fun and games.  Cheers!