Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Neighbors to the North 2.2

Welcome to Day Two in Abbotford, BC! It happens to be the raspberry capitol of BC which clearly means there must be a raspberry sculpture standing proudly in town ;)

Today, we set out to drive up Sumas Mountain and hike around a little bit to see some of the views.  Practically forgetting that it was almost mid-February with the temperate weather, we began the trek up the mountain to have to turn back around due to our tires not being able to grip the icy road...and on a scary only-big-enough-for-one-car kind of road, we thought this venture would be better suited for a little later in the year (maybe our next trip out?!).

We were still able to capture some breathtaking views! Sissy has a dear friend that is building a home and THIS is their view. Almost seems unfair, eh?

On our short-lived drive up the mountain Miss K fell asleep right away as we proceeded to attempt a backseat selfie. What do you really expect from 3 grown women being squished in the backseat?

Next up, Abbotsford outdoor mall! Making a point to stop at David's Tea, I was wishing there was room in my suitcase to take home the whole store...Tiffany-blue paint and all.  This was quite a happy place!

Then grabbing a bite to eat at the better-than-Chipotle Mexican place, I enjoyed some tacos while Miss K enjoyed some granite counter.


Once more mountain snaps had been captured, we were on our way home (hotel-home, that is).  In the chilly wind, Mr. T felt it was necessary to run to each new destination and didn't mind having Nana in tow...this little guy loves being able to hang out with his dear Nana!

A fun-filled day but with few pictures to show for it...
Until next time, Cheers!