Monday, March 10, 2014

Neighbors to the North 2.1

This past February I was able to visit my sister and her family in Abbotsford, BC, Canada with my mom and dad.  Having only spent less than 48 hours in Abby with my sissy in December of 2012, this was an exciting trip that I could finally begin to indulge in all things Pacific Northwest (PNW)!!

In typical fashion, I waited until the last minute to pack.  In order to be able to mix and match outfit pieces, I chose to stick with a black and white theme and keep all things kid-friendly.

This is how thrilled one can be about the ability to pack...I only took up one half of my suitcase and reserved the other half for random things we were bringing to my sister. And yes, there were 6 balls of woolly yarn for her.
Clearly people don't like to fly across the US during the Super Bowl game because our flight to Seattle was you can see from the 6 seats in between my dear mother and I.  We soaked it up by scribbling down notes and throwing them to one another across the aircraft like little school girls.  That was, until we displayed why were were not professional bball players and epic-ally failed by having the crumpled note land in the row behind us. Mortified, we both burst out in laughter...once again, like little school girls.  We shouldn't ever be trusted.

Then, after waiting in the Seattle airport for a short time, we welcomed by Dad coming in from DC.  His gate was quite spirited with Seahawk balloons and all.  I think it made him feel famous.


Now, off to our short drive into Canada...but not without stopping at Timmy's!

After a quick night's sleep, we excitedly headed over to my sisters--I had never met my 7-month-old niece and was elated to be seeing this precious girl for the first time!!

Upon walking into their home, I was greeted with a request from my 2-year-old nephew to draw a train.  He has taken quite a liking to trains and drawing so that only seemed the fitting thing to do the very second we walked through the door.  I began to spell his name, but he insisted I make it a "choo choo." I obliged.
When I said I wanted to pack kid-friendly clothing I wasn't kidding.  I specifically chose things I knew would spark the interest of a wee tot without me freaking out that she was drooling on it.  Therefore, between an extra-sparkly collar and a long, sturdy necklace, this little one could have been entertained for days!
Is she not so darling?! Here's a few more to make sure you agree with me...
Then off to lift Mr. T up to the window ledge so he could observe the construction going on across the street.

We then headed out the door to Chiliwack, a neighboring city, to run some errands and take my sister to the chiropractor.  It was a beautiful day to see some of the mountains--I don't think I could ever get sick of this view!!
More playing around with this cutie.  He was winning all the hearts of the people at the chiro/sports PT clinic.

Then we went over to Timmy's...when in Canada, do what the Canadians do...and they do Tim Horton's all the live-long-day.  Forget a "kid in a candy store," pretty sure a kid in a doughnut shop is more dangerous.  This boy was filled with glee to be around all these tasty treats!

After Timmy's we headed over to a quaint specialty grocery store owned and operated by a friend of my sister's from church. We spent hours there. Between looking at all the fun finds, to lots of laughs with the owner, and special cheesecake treats he had the cafe serve up for us, it was a wonderful way to spend our evening! And Mr. T learned that he liked salt and pepper--it's his new treat of choice.  What a goon!
Continuing on our journey, we headed over to the strip mall to check out the Joe Fresh shop.  It is great and inexpensive clothes that are perfect for little ones...and with my parents being grams and gramps to 3, it's their favorite place to stock up on cute finds for the littles! Then Mr. T began trying on sunnies.  It was quite the experience for him...I think he liked the adult-sized ones better than the kid-versions.
I'll leave you with one more look at the mountains...doesn't that just make you wanna jump on a plane and head west?!
