Wednesday, March 26, 2014


As "spring" seems to be eternally lurking just around the corner, feeling inspired by the sunshine, new blooms, and dainty florals will have to wait as us hearty Minnesotans continue in our mixture of textures.  To bring some playfulness to the gloomy skies, I threw together all the fabrics I love: denim, wool, silk, sparkle, and leather.

Well, sparkle isn't quite a fabric...but in my book, it fits.

Today was filled with baking, chatting, laughing, and some sweet fellowship.  Taking the opportunity to make some snickerdoodle blondie brownies was worth it.  YUM.  Maybe, if you're lucky, I'll share the recipe with you...

Until then, how are you remixing spring? Outside of the continued sweater-weather, do you have any tips or tricks up your sleeve for warding off those not-quite-springtime blues (or should I say, greys)?

Wearing: J.Crew jeweled denim blouse (old), J.Crew wool Minnie pant (old), GentileSouls loafers, Anthropologie silk scarf, Target faux-mohair hat, Skagen watch, J.Crew quilted baby brompton

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

From up above

Do you ever think about your unique experiences and how different they may be from those around you?

I find it so interesting, especially in this day of being over-stimulated by Pinterest, Instagram, fashion blogs and the like, what a fascinating concept that we will never see ourselves in the same way as those around us may see us.  Sure, we can glance in the mirror or snap a quick photo...but even then, the true image of how we see ourselves is our legs below us, our surroundings, and those we choose to share life with.

So as I was three stories in the air, trusting my life to a harness and catwalk, I thought to my self, "this is an experience only I have been given to enjoy at this moment." And on popped the lightbulb...see lightbulb below...

Starting today, I will consciously snap some photos of my day over the next week--only from the view of the world at 69 inches off the ground.  So stay tuned for what life is like from my perspective of the world!

Have you ever considered the same? When you look down, what's your favorite sight? Coffee in hand, or a fluffy new animal friend, maybe a treadmill (or preferably yet, pavement!) beneath your feet?


The world isn't big enough...

This past week in my small group, we chatted about the faithfulness of God.  Reflecting on a sermon by Geoff Bohleen, our discussion questions brought up the topic about our patience in the difficult and "waiting" periods of life.

As I hopped in my car ready to buzz over to The Gathering, I heard this song on the radio.  It struck my heart with such truth as Josh Wilson says, "I hoped to get to know you when everything was going well, but evermore do I cling to You as my world falls apart." (I paraphrased...I am clearly no lyricist)

In the sermon from the last week, Pastor Geoff spoke of a friend he had that was 80+ years of age; and, as this man reflected on his whole, but difficult life, he remarked on how much he saw the Lord's faithfulness--especially through the difficult times.  As I reflect on my short but variant life, even I have seen the Lord's hand in my life--what a treasure to look back on 80 years!!

John says in John 21:25, "Now there are also many other things that Jesus did.  Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written (ESV)."  In our daily life, is that our perspective?  That if we were to recount all the things the Lord has done in our lives and guided our ways, that the world could not CONTAIN all the good and faithful things He has done?  What a thought!

I so often forget of His faithfulness when I struggle with patience.  I guess that is why patience is a's something we strive for and work on every day.  I think the perspective of hindsight is a glorious gift from God...what better way to see his good and perfect ways and/or timing than when we can look back on a situation and see how wrong we would have been to receive what we originally desired!

What is your favorite song, poem, or work of art that reminds you of His faithfulness?


Monday, March 24, 2014

Structured Sweats

Happy Monday! The weather is brisk, the snow is swirling, the sun is overshadowed by the clouds, and yet today couldn't be a better Monday!

First, I get to wear sweats to work.  TO WORK.  That's right! This weekend and next, I have had the pleasure of working for a pop-up shop of Lululemon for their Warehouse Sale, #March2MN.  It's been stellar.  I have been re-styling some "workout" pieces in my wardrobe to make them more public friendly.  I like the items from their collection that can serve the sweaty workout then transition to a coffee date!

Second, I get to gather with some of my gal pals this evening for a prayer night.  So fun to share life with one another around coffee, laughs, and a few tears.

After being immersed in the world of J.Crew for many moons, you start to think the half tuck is the only way to wear a shirt.  But there is an art to it...still perfecting it myself.  But I like to think it gives the perfect balance to the "just rolled out of bed look" and the "ladies to who lunch."

Just found this little piece of heaven in my sister's get-rid-of pile.  It weighs about 100lbs and therefore it the comfiest and closest thing you will find to taking your bed and comforter with you everywhere.

Like the incredible hulk, this crazy shirt has the ability to transform! The collar can adjust to show off a little personality...  Whether a classic fold-over, an uptight-hipster-straightjacket version, or (as my sister likes to call it) a Christmas-ribbon-candy swirl, this shirt is perfect for any occasion.  And made from athletic tech material, it is comfy, quick drying, and perfect for travel.  So who's with me? I'm ready to hop the next flight to anywhere!

See? The sun came out, my friends! I love flying because then we can be reminded that whether we see the shining rays scattered around town or covered by the gloomy grey sky, the sun always rises.  What joy to remember that!!

So enjoy these last days of bitter cold as we draw near to the cheeriest of seasons and welcome new living things of the Earth!  What's your favorite way to wear sweats? The the gym as you workout? :)


Wearing: Lululemon Lab blouse, Lululemon trousers [similar], Madewell necklace, J.Crew sweater (old), Michael Kors sneakers (gifted from boss)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Celebration

Six years ago, I gained my very first brother. Having grown up in a family of all girls, this was a big deal.

Although my sister and brother-in-law have never lived in close proximity to me, I have been so blessed by both of them and their relationship. Whether across the country or in another country all together, these two still manage to encourage, support, and engage in my life. By setting an example of a Christ-centered marriage, I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to witness their love for one another as they work together to serve The Lord. 

Happy anniversary, you two!! May God bless you with many more years to come and continue to guide you and your family in His glorious way.

Let's all just admire what a beautiful bride my sissy was, eh?! And what a good looking tie! :)

Enjoy another year together, you crazy, fun, hockey-loving Canadians!! Mucho love from your little sis


Ballerina Bulldog

A few weeks ago I attended an incredible art exhibit at the American Swedish Institute.  It was based on the awe-inspiring medium of papercutting.  Ranging from large pieces stretching high above my head to smaller ones perfect for a nursery, there was simply not enough time to stare at these works of art.

Some had stories or descriptions attached, some were left up to the viewer to interpret.  One of my favorites was one that the artist had cut to a specific piece of music...for 6 months straight! The intricate designs and patterns were reflective of the musical piece through crescendos, climaxes, and repetitions in the tune--WOW.

It was impressive to say the least.

I hope I never stop to see the wonder of all sorts of various art mediums--whether a painter, musician, chef, photographer, writer, or one that cherishes slicing through the world with a scissor and x-acto knife in hand.  In this expansive world of all types of people, how wonderful it is that we can speak to one another through the universal language of art?  There may be cultural influences woven into works, but that is what brings such beauty to the individual piece.

I loved this list that my sister shared with me via Pinterest...

What is your favorite medium of art--to do or to admire?  Have you seen any exhibits lately that took your breath away?


Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Intelligent

Today Divergent came out.  Quite a handful of my friends are more than enamored with the series and so I agreed to see the "midnight" showing of it--only at 8 pm. When did that become a thing? I'd like to think it is solely for us millennials starting to creep up in age that can no longer start a movie at 12 am...well, I'm thankful for it nonetheless.

Anyways, I also took the quiz of what faction I ought to belong to...and I got Erudite. Having not read the books, I was rather pleased with myself for appreciating intelligence! (Not like I knew what any of the foregone factions I had not been "qualified for") ...But I guess I naturally dressed for the Abnigation faction in my ensemble of all grey....
Laughing here as I thought it was hilarious that as I snapped some photos, my wee nephew was just hanging out in his carseat a few yards away....just don't tell sissy.  It'll be our secret.  Just you, me, and the world wide web.

I'm sure my Canadian sister can't wait until I can be close enough to I can leave her babies strewn about the sidewalk.  Don't fret, my dears!! Baby E was always in sight :)

My mom...err, photographer, thought this house was perfect with light blue bricks to match my freshly lacquered nails.  She's always had an eye for details.  And light blue bricks? Who ever heard of such a thing?
I like to think babies are an outfit's best accessory.  Especially when this cute!

This puff? It is amazing, no?!

I have been craving everything in the light blueish-purple family.  I guess Pantone has been successful in convincing my psyche that radiant orchid is the only way to go in 2014.  But guess what? This puff is not from 2014.  It's from my mama! It was her puff from when she was just a young lassie...therefore this radiant orchid number is far superior than any other I could find.
Having now seen the was a great flick. A short "review" of sorts coming soon!  Have you seen the movie or planning to? Have you read the books? Thoughts?


Wearing: J.Crew sweater (old), J.Crew strip tee [similar], Urban Outfitters jean [last seen here], Converse sneaks, Vintage puffer vest, J.Crew quilted crossbody, Timex watch, Brighton clamp bracelet (gifted from St. Paul Winter Carnival)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Neighbors to the North 2.5

Day Five was our big adventure to Van City! With only a few places on our must-do list for Vancouver, we were willing to go where the day led us. After the first exciting view of Van, we accidentally got separated from my brother-in-law's car (with the kids) and ended up in Stanley Park...

We felt bad as our caravan was separated, but this stunning view made up for it! From mountains, to ocean, to the picturesque trees and was more beautiful than what a picture could capture.
Finally finding our way back to one another, we met up with the bro-in-law and kiddos as the girls were about to venture to the Lululemon Lab and the boys to the Whole Foods for lunch. This kid is just always the happiest as can be...I think he gets it from his mama!
Then began the passing-the-kids-around as we all wanted a little bundle of cuteness! After a quick trip through the Lululemon Lab store, we met up with the boys and my bro-in-law said that he ought to take the littles home before the fussies started.  Sad to see them go after the effort of driving to the city, we bid them farewell and continued our adventure...
Needing a little nourishment for the what lied next on our agenda, we stopped at the famous Japadog--where your typical hotdog is reinvented with the flavors of Japan. If it were ANY closer than it is, I would be quite tempted to eat there at least once a week.  This place was DE-licious.


We topped off our meal with a "hotdog" of ice cream balls in some sort of fried/toasted/sugared bun. Sissy and I thought it was just the right thing to end our meal with but Dad was not as big of a fan of the Green Tea flavored ice cream!

Next, the Vancouver Public Library! When sissy lived just outside of Van, she would spend some time here as her hubs was away at work.  Beyond the incredible uniqueness of the architecture of the building, the library sported some indoor-outdoor qualities--after stepping through the first set of doors, you were welcomed into the "outdoor" part of the library where small shops and coffee houses offered their tasty eats and treats to the studious community, then winding around, you entered the library. Being the other official language of Canada is French, there were rows upon rows of French books and magazines!
Mom and Dad at one of the cute (hotdog?) shops called, "I Love Love House"...I think something was lost in translation. 

We also figured out why Canadians are so green...instead of calling the trash "trash," they just skip that and call it "Landfill."

As we ran out of the library onto our next destination, we saw some enticing signs for juice-infused we gave it a shot! Mom and sissy voted for the Hibiscus Apple and Dad and I preferred the Mumbai Orange...clearly the orange one makes you a kung-fu elite so the choice was clear for me.


Having only seen a small part of Van the last time I was here, I was overwhelmed with the number of shiny glass apartment buildings were crammed in the city. My sis compared Van to the LA of Canada where the young and successful come to make it big!
This city sure isn't lacking in shops! We strolled through the Lululemon retail store on Roberts Street then wandered over to Roots Canada for some classic Canadian styles...clearly this hat was it.
So long, Vancouver! Until next time!!
I was able to find a hat I LOVED! Hailing from the men's section at Lululemon on sale, this is bound to become a staple in my life. 
Cheers from one happy girl,