I finally came to a time in my life when I felt I needed to redecorate. Gone were the days of having bright pink floral flannel sheets. Yes, we had those as children.
This is my cure-all trick: when you are not feeling quite of age in a world of grown-ups (cue the theme music to a quarter life crisis), change your sheets. It's really as simple as that. Who knew new $19.99 sheets from IKEA would provide a new lease on life?
Well, that brought about a deep cleaning of my room and surrounding areas...therefore, I began discovering some treasures. I thought I would share one with you. In an almost empty journal, I flipped open to a page with some multicolored pen scribbles and was reminded of a lovely evening from when I was working at J.Crew:
"There is so much to be gained from children. Today my lesson came in the form of a young girl, no older than 5 years of age. She was running errands with her mother in large snow-boots, an ill-fitting red velour jumpsuit, and a bright white Easter hat; but most importantly, her outfit was completed with the most unwavering air of confidence. As her mom was finishing up at the register, she turned to go and called out to the young girl, 'Come on, beautiful girl,' and without hesitation, she offered one last glance my way and clobbered out, twirling her Easter hat in hand.
Reflecting on this somewhat insignificant event, I was reminded that in His own way, our Heavenly Father calls to us, 'Come on, beautiful girl.' "
So, on this lovely snow-covered day, let us be reminded how He has covered our sins white as snow!