Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Planning and Procrastination

With Aquatennial week quickly approaching, there were many last minute tasks to plan and execute before the big event. What big event, you say?  I'm developing, planning, coordinating, and hosting one of the first events for the candidates of the Queen of the Lakes Scholarship Program for the Minneapolis Aquatennial.  Let's just say it has been a busy summer.

Since I am quite excited about this new event, I'll hopefully write up a quick blurb about it after and share all the juicy details...but for now, we will stick to today's silly turn of events.
Without air conditioning, Mom and I have been escaping to anywhere that will allow us to linger.  Today the lucky winner was the American Swedish Institute.  Planting ourselves in their new cafe, Fika, I knew the ASI would be a perfect place to hunker down and get to work.

But with the grumble of one's tummy, I postponed my to do lists just a few minutes longer.  This refreshing cold sunflower soup hit the spot and we were ready to take on the world! 

A snap stolen from my Instagram, this view was the perfect companion to tackling some tasks.

After getting a bit done, then came the distractions...

With a beautiful glass exhibit in the Osher Gallery, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a quick peak!  This lovely photo was printed on a thin sheet of glass and hung in front of the window.  It was the perfect place to capture the light and juxtapose the lake and trees with the green outdoors.

A glass forest. I felt like I was in a children's book...or maybe this was just nagging at my child-like wonder because it took all my effort to "look with my eyes and not with my hands" as mom would so affectionately say during my childhood.


And fun to see the Turnblad Mansion peaking through the windows.  The new addition to the ASI perfectly complements the older museum and each highlight the other.  A lovely combination of Scandinavian design, both old and new.

We also got side tracked trying on glasses. I am on the hunt for some darker rimmed specs...

For now, my search will continue...


Monday, June 24, 2013

Trampled by Trees

Working in the early mornings is a refreshing way to soak in the city before everyone has woken.  All is quiet and peaceful and a quick stop to the local coffee shop where "everybody knows your name" makes it feel like your city.

This morning, driving through south Minneapolis was a different story.  The lush greenery that lined the streets of homes were now strewn about the streets, on cars and houses and blocking many roads.  After a nasty storm, many full-grown trees were uprooted leaving the neighborhood in a picture from the Wizard of Oz.  This was nothing in comparison to the recent Oklahoma tornado but sure put things in perspective when thinking of that deadly natural disaster!

Roots extended in the sky as tall as a front door was a common sight and was heartbreaking to see so many of the city's tall trees fallen.  The clean up will be extensive and leaving the once-canaped sidewalks exposed. 

Wishing the best for all the residents in the neighborhood and to drive with safety and caution!